RAW vanash wind proof ashtray + RAW Phoenix refillable lighter
Unique pattern classic ashtray, ashes and remnants "vanish" below the top.
• Wind Resistant
• For smokers who smoke-smoke!
Vanash describes how the unique pattern of the RAW VanASH Tray keeps ashes in and gives dozens of places to leave your leftovers (lay them on top to save for later or place them vertically to extinguish). Ashes and remnants ‘Vanish’ below the top. To make it even more effective, put a small amount of sand in this classic ashtray to help quickly extinguish your smoke 🙂
Dimensions: L 3.4” X W 3.4” X H 1.9”
RAW Phoenix Lighter
The RAW Phoenix Lighter is the ultimate smoker’s lighter and the most RAWesome lighter in the world!
Designed to be the most over the top true smoker’s lighter of all time! integrated wind screen to help spark up on windy days, built-in adjustable true poker (because every toker needs a poker), easy-grip don’t-slip design, and it’s refillable!